Havana '59 Exhibition and Sale at Eastern University - Opening - November 11, 2011

Presented by Eastern University, Friends of the Library, and Pennsylvania Trust to benefit the David R. Black Academic Enrichment Fund. Click here to for tickets to the November 11,2011 Grand Opening at the Bolingbroke Mansion in Radnor

Sponsers (to date)
: (click on link to view sponsors websites) Pennsylvania Trust, Corporate Dimensions, LTD., Handelok Bag Company, Edmar Abrasive Company, Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union, Newman & Saunders Galleries

Hemingway On Patrol

Click on painting for larger view

Click here to view video on Hemingway and his famous boat, Pilar
Click here to view video if on an iphone or ipad
Click here for tickets and/or sponsorship for the Havana '59 event

22" x 28" Acrylic on Canvas
George H. Rothacker, 2011©

Price: $2200 (plus shipping and handling)
Prints are also available.

Please contact george@rothackeradv.com

Hemingway, who was wounded as an ambulance driver during World War I, greatly embellished his service and injuries in the Great War, and throughout his life created a macho image of him self, augmented by tales of carousing, drink and brawling. To add to this, in 1942 the author armed Pilar with automatic weapons and electronic detection equipment, so that he and his buddies could hunt German submarines in the Caribbean. Fortunately for the author, the crew never encountered a U-boat. And, it is unlikely they would have survived any firefight, since Pilar was made of wood, not steel like the German vessels, and not nearly so well armed as were its adversaries.

Not everything works out the first time when you create a painting. I used my own photos to paint Pilar which was in dry dock in the tennis court of Hemingway's Cuban home. I wanted the paining to have a "stormy" feel, but after painting the water twice, I had not yet brought the clouds together with the Cuban sea.

After a few opinions, I tried once again, and was finally pleased with the results (see details at bottom of original sea and final sea). Also note that Hemingway may be a little large in the painting. I opted for large so that he could be somewhat recognized as the author.
(left) second version of water in Cuban sea (right) final version